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New year, new house, new blog


It's funny how much life changes in even a short amount of time. Once upon a time, when O was just a wee one, I started a blog to share our adventures. It was fun, but I had a very specific idea of what a blog should be and when I couldn't keep up with that I got frustrated. Opening an Etsy shop (still have it here) and having another kid took all my focus & energy and I gave up blogging, BUT I never lost my desire to blog.

Fast forward to now - I have a 4.5 year old and a 15 month old, we've moved out of the city onto two acres, I've basically recovered from my postpartum depression (that's another story for another day), and I'm ready to blog again. I'm doing it my way this time, not the way all the professionals tell me I should. Who knows? Maybe I won't make any money, but I hope I have more fun and I hope you enjoy it too!

Still reading? Thank you, I'm so glad! Just a bit about myself and then I'll sign off.

I'm a mom to two fairly great little ones. I grew up in the desert, but I live in Oregon now and never want to leave. In my past life I was an environmental educator and that love carries over to my little ones - hiking, camping, and playing in our yard are some of my favorite things to do with the fam.

Owning land was always something we wanted, but homesteading wasn't something I ever dreamed about. However, here I am, planning a garden and raising chickens in our guest bathtub and I LOVE it. (it's snowing as I write this though so maybe I should settle down about the garden for now...).

I'm so glad you've stopped by to join us as we homestead, explore, and enjoy life - all with two kids in tow.

You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, & Pinterest too!

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